第一次 DIY 山上 午餐

當去愉景灣幫嘉道理做樹木普查時,我,第一次,帶自己 DIY 的午餐 ─ 生菜蕃茄鮪魚三文治。

罐頭鮪魚 185gm
生菜 x 1
蕃茄 x 1

When went to Discovery Bay helping KFBG for tree survey, I, the FIRST TIME, took my DIY lunch - lettuce tomato tuna sandwiches.

Before, I, often simply, bought a bread for lunch when hiking. That time I DIDN'T!
Canned tuna 185gm
Lettuce x 1
Tomato x 1

吓... 這些材料... 可以做出四大件三文治!

Oops... this material... can make four pieces of big sandwiches!

愉景灣 愉景灣山道

Discovery Bay Discovery Valley Road

Date: 2013-Dec-19